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First if something missing here, Atlassian GIT tutorials.



Git is a source control tool created by Linus Torvald. Simply stated, git manage snapshots, checksums, and metadata to track of changes in files.

Some basics terminology:

  • each state is a commit
  • the current commit is called the HEAD
  • commits are affiliated with repositories and branches
  • the HEAD may be moved between commits


  • Configure git settings ``` #? getting-start git

#? set mandatory settings git config –global “” git config –global “john”

#? exclude paths git config –global core.excludesfile

* Config file :
Alternatively, assign system-wide configuration in the config files:
- /etc/gitconfig which correspond to --system
- ~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git/config whci correspond to --global
- .git/config in a directory which correspond to --local 
Note: Files lower in the list override higher files.

* Config file format :

[user] name = john smith email =

## <a name='ignore'></a>ignore

Ignoring content

Binaries, compiled files might be not versionned. Disregard those files creating a ```.gitignore``` file:

*.o src/ **.cache/ **.jekyll-cache/

## <a name='log'></a>log


git log –oneline

Look at logs for a particular file

git log – git log --oneline

Look at logs in a graphical way

git log –graph –decorate

## <a name='branch'></a>branch


Branches allows to create an effective copy of the master branch with a repository that worked with or without interfering with the master. This declutters the master branch.

Create a branch:

git branch foo

Begin working in a new branch:

git checkout foo

Do both at once

git checkout -b foo

## <a name='push'></a>push

Pushes and Merges

Push one or all branches to the origin:

git push origin git push origin --all

Merge a branch with HEAD on the master branch:

git pull git checkout master git merge foo

## <a name='rm'></a>rm

Cleaning repo 

Steps to remove folder/directory only from git repository and not from the local  :

git rm -r –cached FolderName git commit -m “Removed folder from repository” git push origin master

## <a name='checkout'></a>checkout

Rollback on files

#Interesting when file was erased / nothing functioning anymore git checkout – file.txt

#Case of loop erasing a folder for i in ls; echo “” > $i; done git checkout – *

## <a name='Workingwithrepos'></a>Working with repos

To create a repo, use the command below. It creates a ```.git``` directory in the repository for git metadata:

git init

To clone an existing repository

git clone ssh://

Making changes, tracking and commiting its like this:

touch blob1.txt blob2.txt git add blob2.txt git status

Sur la branche master
Votre branche est à jour avec 'origin/master'.

Modifications qui seront validées :
  (utilisez "git reset HEAD <fichier>..." pour désindexer)

	nouveau fichier : blob2.txt

git reset HEAD blob2.txt git rm -f blob2.txt git commit -m “some comments here” git push origin master ```