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dfir / net / wireshark

  • Change time to UTC in the menu “View \ Time Display Format”
  • Change T0 by “Second since the beginning of the capture” in the same menu

Identifying callbacks activity

  • Add the server name as column (ctrl+shift+I)
  • Create the following filters:
    • basic (http.request or ssl.handshake.type == 1) and !(ssdp)
    • basic+ (http.request or ssl.handshake.type == 1 or tcp.flags eq 0x0002) and !(ssdp)
    • basic+dns (http.request or ssl.handshake.type == 1 or tcp.flags eq 0x0002 or dns) and !(ssdp)


  • SYN packets to the destination port 25, 465, 587 may refer to a spambot
  • In case of STARTTLS, SMTP traffic will likely be encrypted
  • Even if encrypted, header fields remain in clear-text, thus you can use the filters: ```sh #? filter smtp wireshark # smtp contains “From: “ smtp contains “Message-ID: “ smtp contains “Subject: “ smtp contains “Date: “
