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persist / win

Technics detailed @ PersistenceSniper / detection (56 TTPs).





  • AutoStart Locations, RunKeys
  • Service Creation/Replacement
  • Service Failure Recovery
  • Scheduled Tasks
  • DLL Hijacking Attacks
  • WMI Event Consumers


# create a local user account and prompt for the pwd, add the new user to administrators
net user /ADD test *
net localgroup Administrators test /ADD

# create a domain user account prompt for the pwd, add the new user to administrators
net user /ADD test * /DOMAIN
net localgroup Administrators corp\test /ADD

# delete the user
net localgroup Administrators test /ADD
net user /DEL test


  • CLI full-report with autorunsc

MSTECH autorunsc

Sysinternals autorunsc (CLI version of autoruns) covers a lot of TTPs (24/04/2021).

Supports options to focus on dedicated tecniques. Autorunsc can also be used (computing the hashes and/or querying VT). For a CSV full-report, run it as below :

# method 1: compute hashes
autorunsc /accepteula -a t -c -s -h > autorunsct.csv

# method 2: query virustotal
autorunsc /accepteula -a t -c -s -h -v -vt -u > autorunscvtt.csv

Also you can consult the Mitre Autoruns List.

# example: removal of the autorun for houdini RAT
powershell -command "get-item 'hklm:\software\microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property"
Windows Mobile Device Center
reg delete hklm\software\microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 139750_owned


  • T1543.003 - Persistence via svchost

  • How-To PoC this TTP by IRED.TEAM.
  • The process svchost loads services group via the -k parameter.
  • Services group are listed in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SVCHOST.
  • Services declared in the groups have an entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services.

1/ How-to investigate such abuse:

# method 1: Listing the parameters of each service in the group in arg of svchost with -k option
for /F %i in ('powershell.exe -Command "(Get-ItemProperty 'hklm:\software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SVCHOST') | select -expandProperty LocalServiceNoNetwork"') do powershell.exe -Command "(Get-ItemProperty 'hklm:\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\%i')"

foreach ($i in (Get-ItemProperty 'hklm:\software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SVCHOST' | select -expandProperty LocalServiceNoNetwork)) { (Get-ItemProperty hklm:\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\$i).Description } 

2/ To list exhaustively the scheduled tasks, run the cmd:
schtasks /query /fo LIST /v


  • T1546.007 - Persistence via Netsh helper DLL

  • How-To PoC this TTP with msfvenom and metasploit.

1/ How-to investigate such abuse:

# method 1: using the powershell cmd Get-AuthenticationCodeSignature to check the code signature of the DLLs in 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Netsh'
powershell.exe -Command "(Get-ItemProperty hklm:\software\Microsoft\Netsh) -like '*.dll' | %{Get-AuthenticationCodeSignature $_}"

# method 2: if the DLL appears as 'notsigned' with the method 1, using sigcheck from sysinternals
for /F %i in ('powershell.exe -Command "(Get-ItemProperty hklm:\software\Microsoft\Netsh) -like '*.dll'"') do c:\Temp\sigcheck.exe /accepteula %i


# look for a ProductCode
wmic product where "IdenfyingNumber like '{400A01BF-E908-4393-BD39-31E386377BDA}'" get *