1. SpiderFoot Install
2. SFCLI \ Execution
#? memo osint spiderfoot
#? run docker spiderfoot
docker run -p 5002:5001 -d spiderfoot
#? list sfcli modules
cd /usr/share/spiderfoot
python3 ./sf.py -M |grep -i dns
#? run/connect sfcli with docker
cd /usr/share/spiderfoot
python3 ./sfcli.py -s http://localhost:5002
# check memo osint sfcli
3. SFCLI \ Getting Started
Watch the tutorial video HERE.
#? memo osint sfcli
# test connectivity
sf> ping
#? scan dns
sf> start jmvwork.xyz -m sfp_dnsgrep,sfp_dnsraw,sfp_dnsdumpster,sfp_dns_brute
#? scan crt and dns #!VERBOSE
sf> start jmvwork.xyz -m sfp_crt
# sfcli - scan - start example 2
sf> start jmvwork.xyz -m sfp_dns,sfp_spider,sfp_pwned -n "blabla"
#? check typosquatting
sf> start jmvwork.xyz -m sfp_similar
# sfcli - scan - progression watch - with the scan ID <sid>
sf> logs <sid> -w
# sfcli - scan - information status
sf> scaninfo <sid>
# sfcli - scan - get data collected
sf> data <sid> -t IP_ADDRESS
# sfcli - list all scans
sf> scans
# sfcli - scan - delete by its <sid>
sf> delete <sid>
4. SFCLI \ Module Shodan
Watch the tutorial video HERE.
# sfcli shodan - checking the settings
sf> set | str shodan
# sfcli shodan - set the API key <apikey>
sf> set module.sfp_shodan.api_key = <apikey>
# sfcli shodan - start a scan
sf> start -m spf_shodan
5. SFCLI \ Module HaveIBeenPwned
Watch the tutorial video HERE.
# sfcli HIBP - start a scan
sf> start elon@testla.com -m sfp_pwned -w
# sfcli HIBP - scan - get data collected
6. SFCLI \ Module DNSrecon
Watch the tutorial video HERE.
# sfcli DNSRecon - start a scan
sf> start elon@testla.com -m sfp_dnsbrute,sfp_dnsresolve -r
7. SFCLI \ Module CRT
Watch the tutorial video HERE.
# sfcli crt - start a scan
sf> start tesla.com -m sfp_crt -q -F INTERNET_NAME
8. SFCLI \ Module whatcms
# sfcli whatcms - checking the settings
sf> set | str whatcms
# sfcli whatcms - set the API key <apikey>
sf> set module.sfp_whatcms.api_key = <apikey>
# sfcli whatcms - start a scan
sf> start tesla.com -m sfp_whatcms