- Dashboard with dropdown location + timepicker
- Search query to visualize Port Scans - without a DMZ subnet
- Search query to visualize Port Scans - with a DMZ subnet
Port scanning can be efficiently visualized with the app available here.
For this visualization use-case, here are few concerns about :
- hardware ressources - as the parallel coordinate visualizer is CPU consuming, you might use it with a restricted timespan.
- network design - depending on your network design / IP plan, you may select the appropriate query below / change the IP subnets
Dashboard with dropdown location + timepicker
Find the PortScanViz XML dashboard here based on search queries below.
The picture shows up a port scan from to
Note: this dashboard MAY be optimized to take in charge :
- multicast subnets
- IPv6 subnets
- instead of using the
function, you may enrich IP fields with its location at the idex-time
Search query to visualize Port Scans - without a DMZ subnet
| search src_ip=*
| eval isSrcIP=if(cidrmatch("",src_ip), "local", "external")
| eval isDestIP=if(cidrmatch("",dest_ip), "local", "external")
| where isSrcIP = "external" AND isDestIP = "local"
#| where isSrcIP = "local" AND isDestIP = "local"
| table src_ip, src_port, dest_ip, dest_port
Search query to visualize Port Scans - with a DMZ subnet
| search src_ip=*
| eval isSrcIP=if(cidrmatch("",src_ip), "local", if(cidrmatch("",src_ip), "dmz", "external"))
| eval isDestIP=if(cidrmatch("",dest_ip), "local", if(cidrmatch("",dest_ip), "dmz", "external"))
| where isSrcIP = "external" AND isDestIP = "dmz"
| where isSrcIP = "external" AND isDestIP = "local"
| table src_ip, src_port, dest_ip, dest_port, isLocal
Note: on line 2 and line 3, putting the “” before “” will result to IP overlap error.
In such case, the second cidrmatch()
function will not be evaluated.