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siem / splunk / suricata

The idea to build queries with $addr_ip$ as an argument IS to design investigation dashboards. Investigation dashboards ALLOW to launch multiple queries at once based on an IP address. For that an input field will set the $addr_ip$ argument.


|tstats dc(host),values(host) where index=*


index=suricata $addr_ip$
| dedup src_ip dest_ip alert.signature
| search alert.signature!=""
| lookup reversedns ip as dest_ip OUTPUT host as host_dst
| lookup reversedns ip as src_ip OUTPUT host as host_src
| table _time, src_ip, host_src, src_port, dest_ip, host_dst, dest_port, alert.signature
| rename alert.signature as Signature, src_ip as "Source IP", dest_ip as "Destination IP", src_port as "Source port", dest_port as "Destination port", host_src as "Nom de l'hôte source", host_dst as "Nom de l'hôte destination"


index=suricata src_ip=$addr_ip$
| fields http.http_user_agent, src_ip, flow_id, dest_ip
| rename http.http_user_agent as http_user_agent
| lookup user_agents http_user_agent
| search ua_os_family!=unknown
| stats count(flow_id) as "Flow" by ua_family, ua_os_family, src_ip, dest_ip
| table src_ip, ua_family, ua_os_family, dest_ip, Flow
| rename ua_family as Navigateurs, ua_os_family as OS, Flow as "Nb trafics", src_ip as "IP Sources", dest_ip as "IP Destinations"


index=suricata (src_ip=$addr_ip$)
| fields  src_ip, dest_ip, alert.signature
| search alert.signature!=""
| rename alert.signature as signature
| cluster showcount=t
| table  cluster_count src_ip dest_ip signature


index=suricata $addr_ip$
| search alert.signature!=""
| rename alert.signature as Signature
| iplocation src_ip
| stats count by Signature, src_ip, dest_ip
| table src_ip, dest_ip, Signature, count
| rename src_ip as "Source IP", dest_ip as "Destination IP", src_port as "Source port", dest_port as "Destination port", count as "Nb déclenchement signature"


index=suricata src_ip=$addr_ip$
| fields http.http_user_agent, src_ip, flow_id, dest_ip
| rename http.http_user_agent as http_user_agent
| lookup user_agents http_user_agent
| timechart count(flow_id) as "Flow" by http_user_agent


# Téléchargement de fichiers en HTTP dans le temps
index=suricata event_type=fileinfo fileinfo.filename!=*/centreon/* fileinfo.filename!="/" fileinfo.filename!=*allmetrics* http.hostname!=* http.hostname!=* http.hostname!=* http.hostname!="" http.hostname!=* http.hostname!=* http.hostname! http.hostname!=*
fileinfo.magic!="ASCII text, with no line terminators" $addr_ip$
| timechart count(fileinfo.size) by http.hostname