# change echo with enum4linux, nmap, ...
for i in {1..254}; do echo 172.17.135.$i >> tt.txt; i=$i+1; done
#? getting-start sed##? sed print line by its number Xsed-n Xp toto.txt
#? sed print file section from line number X to Ysed-n"X,Y/*/p" toto.txt
#? sed print file section from line number X to EOFsed-n"X,/*/p" toto.txt
# sed insert a space between 2 IPs - solving copy/paste issue of nessus reportssed'%s/.([0-9]+)192./.\1 192./g'# oneliner howto example 1
howto "docker install spiderfoot" 2021-10-26-sys-cli-docker.md
# oneliner howto example 2
howto "# oneliner .* ex" 2021-10-26-sys-cli-lin.md
# removes the DOS carrier return# to get the character, type Ctrl+Q, then Ctrl+M OR Ctrl+V, then Ctrl+M
### <a name='findpdffilescreatedlas24hoursinDownloadsdirectory:'></a>find pdf files created las 24 hours in Downloads directory:
find ~/Dowloads -iname*.pdf -a-ctime 1
## <a name='identifyfileswiththesuidsgidpermissions'></a>identify files with the suid, sgid permissions
find / -perm +6000 -type f -execls-ld{}\;> setuid.txt &
find / -perm +4000 -user root -type f -