# get epoch timestamp date--date='2024-01-01 7:36:12' +"%s"
# get ISO timestampecho 1704090972 | jq 'todate'
# remove data after the last '}'
# print first line of a file
sed -n 1p foo.csv
# print lines 2,3 and 4
sed -n 2,4p foo.csv
# listing the first and last date of log files for i in`ls logs`;do echo-n$i"; ">> backlog.csv;head-n1 logs/$i |awk -F'[]]|[[]''{ print $2 }'| tr-d'\n'>> backlog.csv;echo-n"; ">> backlog.csv;tail-n1 logs/$i |awk -F'[]]|[[]''{ print $2 }' |tr -d'\n'>> backlog.csv;echo"; ">> backlog.csv;done# display the number of linesj=0;for i in`ls`;do j=$((`wc-l$i| cut-f1-d' '`+$j));done;echo$j
# hits on failfor i in`ls`;do grep"404\|403\|failed\|can't\|invalid\|denied"$i>> /tmp/hits_on-fail.log;done;wc-l /tmp/hits_on-fail.log
# excluding source IPfor i in`ls`;do grep-v"\|"$i; don
# extracting logs between 2 datesawk-F'[]]|[[]'\'$0 ~ /^\[/ && $2 >= "2021-09-13 01:55" { p=1 }
$0 ~ /^\[/ && $2 >= "2021-09-13 02:00" { p=0 }
p { print $0 }' lastlog
awk-F'[]]|[[]''$0 ~ /^\[/ && $2 >= "2021-09-13 01:55" { p=1 } $0 ~ /^\[/ && $2 >= "2021-09-13 02:00" { p=0 } p { print $0 }' lastlog
|tstats dc(host),values(host)
|tstats dc(sourcetype),values(sourcetype)# HTTP hitshost=acme123 sourcetype="apache:access" NOT na="/images*" AND status_code=200 | stats count by date_hour, date_mday
# apachehost=acme123 sourcetype="apache:access" NOT na="/" NOT na="/images*" NOT na="/sys/bus*" NOT na="/icon*" AND status_code=200 | table _time, client_ip,url_new,uri